Saturday, May 17, 2008

Three weeks of forced humility.

Well, I just finished reading Elder Lund's book about receiving revelation, and it was great. Highly recommend it. I needed a new book to read, but nothing has come out recently that I'm interested in, so I decided to commence my yearly reading of The Miracle of Forgiveness, by Spencer W. Kimball. I try to read this book at least once a year which, if you have ever read it, then you know, can cause severe side effects. I usually try to read the chapters on the "big" sins first, because I believe I'm at least in good standing when it comes to those. Then come the sins of omission. Good night!!! Shoot me please. Luckily, the book ends with some hope of a bright future, but you have to make it through the first 2/3s of the book to get there. Anyways, wish me luck, and go read it for yourself.
Next up, I spent a good portion of the time this afternoon with my niece convincing her that a bike would be so much cooler than a Barbie power wheels car. Of course, I was lying. Everyone knows that the kid with the power wheels car is the coolest kid on the block. After much persuasion, which I am very good at, especially when I use my magical powers, I think I have saved my brother a good $100. So, Kyle owes me. Gabi when you are old enough to read this, remember it was your daddy's fault. He made me do it. I wanted you to have the car.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

An interesting lunch and a horrible addiction.

Alright, it's time for me to come clean. I have to in order to explain why my lunch yesterday was so interesting. It wasn't the fact that the five guys I was with were all at least, emphasis on at least, twice my age. It was the fact that they were all famous magicians. That's right, I perform magic. I am a magic geek. Feel free to switch websites at this time. Still here? Alright, these guys are known all over the world. I heard stories about performing on Johnny Carson, entertaining three different presidents, and presenting a show to the original seven U.S. astronauts. It was an incredible lunch. Of course, we had to eat at Luby's because that is where the, shall we say "wiser", people like to eat. Anyways, it was a blast.
Second on the agenda. My niece had to give up her binky today. She is having an incredibly hard time. For all the inside information you have to visit my sister-in-law's blog, Anyways, in honor of Gabi giving up her binky, I thought about giving up my Dr. Pepper. I say I thought, because that is as far as I got before the hyperventilating started. The sweats came next, and pretty soon I was just plain dizzy. So, Gabi you're on your own. Sorry goober.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thanks Gabi!!!

I have to post a short one tonight to give props to my little niece. She sent me a card in the mail which she "dictated" to her mother. She just wanted to let me know that I was funny and that she was watching Mickey Mouse. I'm glad she keeps me informed. Thanks Gabi!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

No More Jack in the Crack for me!!!

I am about to shock those who know me, and if I am not careful with my next few words, the world as we know it might just cease to exist. I am tired of fast food!! I'm done with it. I work in Humble, which is in BFE. (For those who don't know where BFE is, call me, I'll be glad to show you on my map.) I have been eating fast food for lunch for almost 2 FREAKING MONTHS!! I haven't gained weight, which is good, but I feel like crap. I never thought I would say this, but I don't think you can live off of Taco Bell and Jack in the Box. (Maybe Popeye's and Burger King,but that's high end fast food for those rich, white folks in the west end). I've heard about this thing called the Word of Wisdom or something like that. Anyways, I think I might try it for awhile. From what I've heard, Jack in the Crack probably isn't conducive to this so called "law of God." In fact, the more I think about it, JITB (at least that is what we addicts call it, sort of a nickname like "meth"), may be Lucifer's restaurant chain. It's so delicious and yet so cheap. Makes you laugh as you order it, smile as you eat it, and scream as you realize it is slowly attacking every part of your body. Oh well, a wise man once told me the best advice I've ever received, "Eat Jack in the Box ultimate cheeseburgers, drink Sonic's Dr. Pepper, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Well if you don't hear from me tomorrow, I probably OD'ed on JITB. Look for me on the news. Bye now. Oh yeah. A shot out to my ladies, Natalie and Holli. Ya'll rock for reading my blog.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Life at the Monastery

I got my haircut last week. BIG mistake. I went from curly hair to looking like a Buddhist monk, which fits my relationship status better I guess. One step closer to lifelong celibacy and a home high in the mountains of Tibet. Oh well, hair grows back, I hope.
I had a very eventful weekend. Friday night was Rock Band at a friend's house. There is nothing more embarrassing then dragging the game and equipment to someone's house. My only comfort is that I play in a real band as well, so that takes some of the sting away. It's a fun game and I don't care what anyone says. Play it once, you'll get hooked.
OK, it wasn't very eventful. I did get to clean my house though so that was nice. Anyways, this is a horrible post, but I'm leaving it so Holli won't bug me about not writing. Bye now.